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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Everett I-5 Project Wrapping Up

EVERETT – This morning, WSDOT Secretary of State Paula Hammond joined Atkinson-CH2M Hill staff, state, local officials and the community to celebrate the final milestone of the I-5 Everett HOV freeway expansion project. The opening of two new I-5 HOV ramps at Broadway Avenue marks the last major piece of the third-largest project in Washington State history.

"With this project, drivers now have more than 200 miles of HOV lanes in the Puget Sound Region. It's one of the techniques we're using to ease congestion for commuters, transit and freight. We will continue to make our HOV system more and more complete," said Hammond.

The two new, side-by-side HOV ramps will serve carpoolers, vanpoolers and transit on northbound and southbound I-5. One ramp will carry northbound I-5 HOV traffic to Broadway Avenue. The other ramp will serve HOV traffic headed from Broadway Avenue to southbound I-5. Crews will open these ramps in time for the morning commute on Friday, June 6.

"WSDOT was a true partner and built the ramps with transit in mind making them longer with better merges. This makes it easier for faster for drivers and commuters and is the mark of superior planning," said Community Transit CEO Joyce Eleanor.

Drivers are already benefiting from a wider freeway and improved interchanges that are helping to smooth out traffic on I-5 through Everett. Since 2006, crews have opened a new Broadway flyover ramp, the new 41st Street interchange and more than two miles of auxiliary or general purpose lanes. In April, they opened more than 10 miles of new HOV lanes on I-5 between SR 526 and US 2.

"With gas around $4.25 a gallon, choices and options are important to drivers," said Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon. "This project is about letting drivers take control of their lives."

Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson noted the positive feedback from the community. "People approach me in the grocery store and say 'thank you,'" said Stephanson.

Crews meet challenges, reach goals

The Legislature accelerated funding for the project after Vancouver was chosen to host the 2010 Olympics. The project's original 2012 completion date was pushed up to 2009. However, crews beat that goal, delivering the $263 million gas tax-funded project a year early and within budget.

Using a relatively new method called design-build, contractor Atkinson-CH2M-Hill simultaneously completed the project design while construction was under way. This innovative method helped crews overcome several challenges, such as adding a $41 million interchange into the project after starting construction. At Thursday's event, Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen applauded the crews' work.

"This project was cost-effective and using the design build model was functional and an example of the great work WSDOT does," said Sen. Haugen.

Since starting construction in September 2005, crews have:

· Widened I-5 between Boeing Freeway and Marine View Drive

· Improved on-ramps and exits

· Added noise walls to help reduce freeway noise

· Embedded traffic loops and sensors in roadbeds to provide data for 17 new traffic cameras and traffic flow maps.

· Built or widened 23 bridges, including the new 41st Street interchange and Broadway flyover exit from northbound I-5

· Built stormwater facilities to treat over 280 acres of previously untreated runoff

I-5 Everett crews reached their goal of having all lanes and ramps open to traffic by June. Drivers can still expect minor work to continue through the summer as crews wrap up some final tasks:

--- Installing new traffic cameras and ramp meters
--- Laying down permanent striping
--- Repairing aging expansion joints between 41st Street and Everett Avenue

Find out more about the 2003 and 2005 gas tax-funded I-5 Everett HOV freeway expansion project by visiting

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